So, want to know how to strengthen and tone your back, build muscle and help prevent back pain? Follow the workout below and start to incorporate these exercises into your weekly routine.

Go straight through the below circuit, completing exercise 1- 4 following the work/rest instructions. Repeat 3-4 times.


  1. Double arm lat pull down (12 reps, 30sec rest)

  2. Single arm lat pull down (12 reps each arm, 30sec rest)

  3. Seated row (12 reps, 30sec rest)

  4. Lying back raises (12 reps, 30sec rest)

Top tip - use a free timer app on your phone, tablet or computer to keep track of your rests!

*Please make sure you don’t have any injuries or illnesses that would prevent you undertaking this workout and that you’ve been cleared by a doctor to exercise!

There are so many reasons you would want to train your back - it should definitely be in everyones workout schedule!

Get in touch if you have any questions and let us know if you try the circuit!
